Why CivilTalk? At CivilTalk, we believe in transparently sharing what we offer with our community. Our platform is designed as a haven where university students can convene, engage, and hone their civility skills together. Features Emotionally Responsive Feedback Students can engage with posts by expressing a variety of emotions, such as happiness, sadness, excitement, or concern allowing them to effectively practice empathy, self-reflection, and awareness. Student Response Forums Students have the opportunity to respond to prompts provided by professors, centering civility in their discussions with their peers and community members. Professor-Prompted Discussions Professors can create prompts to stimulate student engagement in social-emotional learning (SEL) topics, fostering meaningful dialogue and reflection within the community.
Emotionally Responsive Feedback Students can engage with posts by expressing a variety of emotions, such as happiness, sadness, excitement, or concern allowing them to effectively practice empathy, self-reflection, and awareness.
Student Response Forums Students have the opportunity to respond to prompts provided by professors, centering civility in their discussions with their peers and community members.
Professor-Prompted Discussions Professors can create prompts to stimulate student engagement in social-emotional learning (SEL) topics, fostering meaningful dialogue and reflection within the community.